When Everyone Leads with Julia Fabris McBride #102
In the episode, Nick Day is joined on The HR L&D Podcast by Julia Fabris McBride, Chief Leadership Development Officer at the Kansas Leadership Center.
In the episode, Nick Day is joined on The HR L&D Podcast by Julia Fabris McBride, Chief Leadership Development Officer at the Kansas Leadership Center.
The Kansas Leadership Center has helped and led thousands of people through programs to help them engage in the act of leadership. They have seen remarkable results with people from all walks of life, but they’re also keenly aware of the obstacles that tend to come up.
A certified coach, former actor and co-author of Teaching Leadership, Julia splits her time between Wichita and Matfield Green, Kansas, and more than 15,000 people around the world have attended her programs since 2007.
These experiences led Julie to co-author the book ‘When Everyone Leads‘ with Ed O’Malley, which delves into:
- Identifying organisational needs
- Overcoming barriers
- Empowerment
- Identifying productivity zones
- Helping everyone to lead more effectively
You don’t need a title to start leading. Leadership is an activity, not a position; anyone can exercise leadership, and when everyone does, organizations make progress on their toughest challenges!
In this “When Everyone Leads” episode with Julia Fabris McBride on The HR L&D Podcast, we also explore:
- The distinction between leadership and authority?
- “The Gap” and how can organizations overcome it?
- The difference between an adaptive challenge and a technical problem
- What leadership “from the many, not the few” looks like.
- The benefit of accepting loss as part of change?
- How to authorize yourself to lead.
- Adopting challenge-centric models of leadership rather than person-centric?
- The “great leader” myth.
- What is “the heat” in your model of leadership?
- How can people in positions of authority make leadership less risky for others?
- What does it mean to “intervene skillfully?”
- The one step everyone can take today to engage in leadership.
Links highlighted in this “When Everyone Leads” episode are included below:
- Julia Fabris McBride’s LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliafabrismcbride/
- KLC’s page for When Everyone Leads: https://kansasleadershipcenter.org/when-everyone-leads/
- Buy links for When Everyone Leads: https://geni.us/WhenEveryoneLeads
- Amazon page for When Everyone Leads: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1885167903
- The host of The HR L&D Podcast – LinkedIn Profile: Nick Day
- Leading HR Recruiters: JGA HR Recruitment
- Enjoyed this show? Why not also check out our other podcast focused on all aspects of payroll: The Payroll Podcast
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Thanks for listening – look out for the next episode of the HR L&D Podcast landing soon!